Plot Summary:Randy Dewitt, co-founder and CEO of Twin Peaks, goes undercover in his popular sports bar and grill chain that features provocatively dressed waitresses. While there, he enlists the help of UNDERCOVER BOSS alum Coby Brooks ("Hooters"), now one of the largest franchise owners at Twin Peaks, who shaves his head and also goes undercover as an inappropriate customer.
老羊 • 《卧底老板的感受》
《卧底老板的感受》 《卧底老板》看了好几季了,这次零星记录些自己的感受,也算一个小结吧! 我没有当作shoe节目去看,而是学习心态! 非常肤浅地感受到几点,如: 1、美国服务系统中,居然很多非...