十月里一个普通的湿气蒙蒙的日子,广告总监查尔斯(克里夫•欧文 Clive Owen 饰)错过了他的列车,但是在下一列车上,他却因一张车票,结识了金融投资顾问露辛达(詹妮弗•安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰),两人给彼此留下了良好的印象。其时查尔斯的女儿身患糖尿病,他不得不抽出更多的精力照顾女儿,而同时事业上却遭遇了挫折,妻子忙于工作,无暇给予他更多情感上的宽慰。之后的日子里,查尔斯与露辛达时常见面,两个各自有家庭的人越发接近,终于在一次约会后来到了宾馆,但这次独处很快被打破,一个名叫拉洛克(文森特•卡索 Vincent Cassel 饰)的陌生人破门而入,用枪威胁他们,实施了抢劫并强暴了露辛达。担心私情暴露的两人无法依靠法律,而拉洛克的勒索却越发频繁,查尔斯决定用自己的力量,去解决这场危机。Charles is worn down by his home life where he and his wife struggle to cope with the demands of their daughter's illness and his job. When he meets Lucinda on the train to work in Chicago, there is an immediate spark between them. Soon they are doing lunch; dinner and drinks follow. This leads to an adulterous rendezvous in a hotel. However, no sooner have they torn each other's clothes off than their room is invaded by a thief who beats Charles and rapes Lucinda. Because of the illicit nature of their relationship, Charles agrees with Lucinda who is reluctant to go to the police and soon finds he is powerless to resist the demands of the thief.