影片前半部看是一出荒诞不经的嬉闹剧,但在黑色幽默的底层却深深反映出了战争后期人们的厌战情绪,影片后半部则感人至深,可谓深具震撼力,那个象征禁锢的棕榈树的两次被扔进大海,正象征了权利的倾覆和向往自由的呼声。Mister Roberts is aboard a US cargo ship, working in the Pacific during the Second World War. He'd do anything to leave the quiet of the ship to join in the "action". Trouble is, the captain of the ship, is a bit of a tyrant, and isn't willing to sign Roberts' transfer requests. Also on board is Ensign Pulver, who avoids work as best he can, whilst living off the riches of his buying and selling. Roberts and the crew are in constant battle, even over the smallest of disagreements.