一向惊世骇俗的PINK大姐有一首改邪归正的励志歌曲,“Made a wrong turn,once or twice.Dug me way out, blood and fire,bad decisines.That’s alright, welcome to my silly life”---Fuckin’ Perfect.改编自契科夫小说的法国电影“喜欢我跟随我”(Qui m'amie me suive ),讲述了大概相同的故事,只是主角换成了年轻有为却离经叛道的主治医师,不奇怪,每个人都不总满意当下的存在
“There are fewer stories than there are people on earth; the plots repeated ceaselessly while the names and backdrops alter. "The essence of art is that its one case applies to thousands," In turn, there is consolation in realizing that our case is only one of the thousands”