小青年汤姆(伊恩·德·卡斯泰克 Iain De Caestecker 饰)致电有过一面之缘的女孩露西(爱丽丝·恩格勒特 Alice Englert 饰),邀请对方参加即将在爱尔兰举行的音乐节。汤姆处心积虑规划行程,比音乐节预定提前一天到达目的地。他约女孩去网上预订的基拉尼旅店留宿。笔直的公路无限延伸至远方,四周但见无垠旷野,阴冷荒凉,几乎看不到一个人影。汽车在无聊和枯燥中行驶,天色慢慢暗了下来,而他们却迷失方向,始终找不到目的地。随着暮色降临,恐慌在彼此心底升起,他们在迷宫一般的丛林里失去方向,曾经轻浮暧昧的笑容不在。 在漆黑旷野,一名满脸是血的男子突然出现在汤姆和露西面前。原本设想中美好的约会,注定变成万劫不复的噩梦……Tom and Lucy are both happy young adults eager to set out on their first weekend getaway as a couple. They set off for a planned stay at a remote hotel but quickly find themselves getting lost in a maze of backwoods roads. However they soon discover that they are at the mercies of an unknown tormentor that is eager to take advantage of their vulnerability and distance from civilization.