在神秘的热带雨林,生活着成群的野生稀有动物和正规植物。这个被称为热带天堂的地方并没有成为世外桃源,人们贪婪的眼睛和形形色色的欲望时刻威胁着这里的生物。一名美丽充满原始野性的女泰山希娜是这个天堂的守护神。她自幼生长在这片雨林,与野兽为伍,身手矫健,还有着神奇的能力控制着整个地区。她不放过任何一个对雨林有不良企图的人,以她超人的本领和魅力维护着生态平衡。渐渐的,人们的兴趣转移到了这个神秘的女性身上,希望揭开她的身世之谜……Sheena's white parents are killed while on Safari. She is raised by the mystical witch woman of an African tribe. When her foster mother is framed for the murder of a political leader, Sheena and a newsman, Vic Casey are forced to flee while pursued by the mercenaries hired by the real killer, who hopes to assume power. Sheena's ability to talk to the animals and knowledge of jungle lore give them a chance against the high tech weapons of the mercenaries.