我们年轻,我们强大Wir sind jung. Wir sind stark.(2015)

又名:骚动年代(台) / We Are Young. We Are Strong.


主演:约纳斯·奈伊 / Trang Le Hong / 大卫·史崔梭德 / 乔尔·巴斯曼 / 莎斯琪亚·罗森道尔 / Paul Gäbler / David Schütter / 雅各布·比伯 / 葛赫·斯旺耶·科尔霍夫 / 乔梅杨 / Aaron Le / Larissa Fuchs / Axel Pape / 索斯藤·默滕 / Enno Trebs / 马提亚斯·布伦纳 / 玛蒂娜·艾特纳-阿奇姆彭 / Claudia Loerding / 

导演:布尔汗·奎巴尼 / 编剧:Martin Behnke/布尔汗·奎巴尼 Burhan Qurbani





日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 We Are Young We Are Strong 2014 GERMAN 1080p BluRa
2019-05-12 We Are Young We Are Strong 2014 1080p BluRay x264-
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 We.Are.Young.We.Are.Strong.2014.GERMAN.BRRip.XviD.


酷云影视为您提供2015年由约纳斯·奈伊 Trang Le Hong 大卫·史崔梭德 乔尔·巴斯曼 莎斯琪亚·罗森道尔 Paul Gäbler David Schütter 雅各布·比伯 葛赫·斯旺耶·科尔霍夫 乔梅杨 Aaron Le Larissa Fuchs Axel Pape 索斯藤·默滕 Enno Trebs 马提亚斯·布伦纳 玛蒂娜·艾特纳-阿奇姆彭 Claudia Loerding 主演,布尔汗·奎巴尼导演的《我们年轻,我们强大》/原名《Wir sind jung. Wir sind stark.》/又名《骚动年代(台) / We Are Young. We Are Strong.》电影在线观看,《我们年轻,我们强大》百度云网盘资源以及《我们年轻,我们强大》高清mp4迅雷下载,《我们年轻,我们强大》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

东西两德合并后,东部瞬间没落。失去工作的青年也失去了生活的目标。随着外籍移民的不断涌入,矛盾日益扩大,仇恨在蔓延。九十年代初期,多个城市爆发了新纳粹主导的排外骚乱活动。本片的背景正是那个时候的罗斯托克。   这部近期的德语高分影片获今年的德国电影奖多项提名,并获得最佳男配角奖。
Plot Summary:On 24th August 1992 in the eastern German city of Rostock a rampaging mob, to the applause and cheering of more than 3,000 bystanders, besieged and set fire to a residential building containing, among others, more than 120 Vietnamese men, women and children on what has since become known as "The Night of the Fire." The riots became a symbol for xenophobia in the just recently reunited Germany. This film recounts the incident from the perspectives of three very different characters. Lien is a Vietnamese woman who settled in Germany, but at the end of the day she will be fighting for her life wondering if the place she called home could ever be one for her. Stefan and his friends are part of the night's violent turmoil. Young and angry, bored during the daytime, they look forward to the nightly riots and clashes with the police and foreigners. Unable to cope with his grief at the loss of a friend, Stefan gets lost in a circle of violence. Stefan's father Martin is an ambitious local politician, trapped in a dilemma: does he advance his career or stand up for his ideals and take responsibility, which includes that for his son?


  • 芷宁

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