
虎!虎!虎!:Tora! Tora! Tora!

This was a well-deserved historical film,which talked about the people andthings before and after Pearl Harbor.Every detail of the attack on Pearl Harbor was laid out and explained very clearly. The sneak attack derected by Yamamoto Fifty-Six was finally success and destroyed Pearl Harbor, but he finally said with anxiety: Next, we will have to face the most powerful enemy.

For the two-hour movie, the first hour and 20 minutes were foreshadowing, and the last forty minutes the broken out war are really shocking.The film highly restores history, but because of the excessive and complicated historical clues, how to grasp the main line has become a difficult problem for this film. Fortunately, the directors in Japan did a good job of shooting the Japanese sneak attack.

When the special effects of movie were still underdeveloped, the aircraft carriers and planes of this movie were all real materials, so I had to say that the United States and Japan are willing to consume money💰💰!

At last ,i want to say : remember the history,and make our history.

虎!虎!虎!Tora! Tora! Tora!(1970)



主演:马丁·鲍尔萨姆 山村聪 杰森·罗巴兹 约瑟夫·科顿 三桥达也 E.G.马绍尔 田村高广 詹姆斯·惠特摩 东野英治郎 韦斯利·阿迪 岛田正吾 弗兰克·阿莱特 千田是也 列昂埃姆斯 宇佐美淳 理查德·安德森 北村和夫 基斯·安德斯 爱德华·安德鲁斯 内维尔·布兰德 劳拉达纳 内田朝雄 乔治·麦克雷迪 诺曼·阿尔登 沃尔特·布鲁克 朱妮·达顿 杰芙·唐内尔 李察·厄尔德曼 杰瑞·福格尔 Carl Reindel 埃德蒙瑞安 十朱久雄 藤田进 市川和子 Hank Jones Karl Lukas 罗恩·马萨克 二本柳宽 安部彻 芥川比吕志 渥美清 哈罗德·康韦 Dick Cook 弗朗西斯·德塞尔斯 乔治德诺尔芒迪 Dave Donnelly Bill Edwards 杰米·法尔 保罗·费斯 Bobby Gilbert 平田昭彦 叶山良二 井川比佐志 罗伯特·卡恩斯 肯纳G.肯普 兰德尔·杜克·金 贝里·克勒格尔 久米明 Dan Leegant 肯·林奇 松山英太郎 Mitch Mitchell 冈崎二朗 史蒂夫·彭德尔顿 查利·皮切尔尼 沃尔特·里德 Robert Shayne G•D•斯普拉德林 Larry Thor 乔治·托比厄斯 Arthur Tovey Harlan Warde Meredith 'Tex' Weatherby David Westberg 比尔·朱克特 

导演:理查德·弗莱彻 / 深作欣二 / 舛田利雄 / 编剧:Larry Forrester/小国英雄/菊岛隆三/Gordon W. Prange/Ladislas Farago/黑泽明


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