The husband, in order to save his wife's ass, became a serial killer, and offer the carcasses of sadistically killed women who are lookalikes of his wife and whose way of death puts crucifixion to shame, as sacrifice to the dark spirit to ward it off from his wife.

How many women would appreciate a husband like that? Judging from the reactions of the wife in the movie, who can still get horny for the dark spirit masqueraded as her husband after she discovered the plastic bags of decaying female bodies hidden under the floor of their decoy house, I would say not a few.

Such is the world as it is. People are fundamentally selfish and heartless. Love is a sick obsession that blinds you from seeing it for what it is.

The husband killed himself in order to save an insouciant wife who sees the values of the lives of other women as no more than the plastic bags containing them, and who still ponders, after being invited on the boat by the dark spirit, if she should go with his serial killer husband to "the other side" to be together. Is the life of such a person worth saving?

The women killed by the husband are for the lack of a better term, superficial skin bags in estrus, who are easily attracted by any male who cares to groom himself and pays attention, and for their gullibility, are deservedly packaged with plastic bags like the pork in the supermarket.

The husband is so selfish and cold-blooded and views the lives of other people as but an expedient measure to satiate his own blind love to hold on to his wife like a piece of possession. And after he could not hold on to it any longer, he killed himself so that the ideal possession could live on, no matter how morally bankrupt it is mortgaged to be.

It is a standard horror genre production, but raised several moral questions to the audience. How would you evaluate the actions of each character? How would you choose to act if put in similar situations? Do you find the aspect of human nature as revealed by the movie repulsive or acceptable? Are you disgusted or not?

夜间小屋The Night House(2020)

又名:鬼屋 / 夜屋 / 夜之屋

上映日期:2020-01-24(圣丹斯电影节) / 2021-08-20(美国)片长:107分钟

主演:丽贝卡·豪尔 萨拉·古德伯格 沃迪·科蒂斯·霍尔 伊万·乔尼凯特 斯塔西·马汀 大卫·埃伯利斯 克里斯蒂娜·杰克逊 帕特里克·克莱因 克里斯托·斯旺 劳拉·奥斯丁 雅各布·加勒特·怀特 萨曼莎·布克 莉·恩斯林 

导演:大卫·布鲁克纳 / 编剧:本·柯林斯 Ben Collins/卢克·皮厄特罗斯基 Luke Piotrowski
