Plot Summary:Inumaru Yomota and his parents Kinekuni and Tamiko are an average family living a mundane but peaceful life in an apartment in Tokyo. One day, a beautiful girl named Maroko appears at their front door; she proclaims herself as Inumaru's granddaughter, having travelled through time from the future to meet her ancestors. Tamiko doesn't believe a word the girl says, but Inumaru and his father invite Maroko to stay with them. The Yomotas do their best to stay together as a family, but the complications of trying to keep history straight for Maroko's sake and having guardians of the timeline constantly after them all, take their toll on the family.
杯面猫 • 押井守导演SF明朗家庭伦理崩坏喜剧
请容许我先引用押井守的访谈作为前言: 【押井守:「攻壳机动队」之于我 我基本不看自己的作品,即便拿出来看,最多也只是粗略过目一遍而已。当然,其中也有我特别喜爱的作品,但现实的情况却是:这些我珍爱...