Plot Summary:A girl called Erin has been murdered in her Nottingham flat. Coleen,her sister,and Stefan,a young soldier arrested by the police after being seen covered in blood,give their accounts to camera of how the sisters met the visiting youth that afternoon and went back to the flat for drinks,an evening that got out of hand. As Coleen and Stefan are jointly charged with the murder other talking heads narrate the progress of the trial and the verdict,including the world-weary inspector in charge of the case, Coleen's sharp barrister and her discarded boyfriend H. After the jury has delivered their verdict the viewer is shown what really happened on the fateful night.
ashvsdeadevil • 感觉好多没怎么点到就止了
一开始的时候还觉得挺新颖的。 结果好多人絮絮叨叨,就没认真看了。 我从开头就说那女的杀的。从动机来说,那男的最多误杀。那女的就苦大仇深了,巴不得要将姐姐煎皮拆骨,里面说我们是姐妹的时候,好虚伪。lie...