Plot Summary:Thirty-seven year old Mavis Gary seems incapable of happiness. She has had one failed marriage with no romance in her immediate horizon. She ghosts writes a young adult series of books, which has just been canceled due to low sales. She is in the process of writing the last book, with which she is having a mental block. She lives vicariously through Kendall Strickland, the teenaged female heroine in her books, as like Kendall she believes her high school years were the best years of her life when she was the prom queen. When she receives news that her high school beau, Buddy Slade, and his wife, Beth Slade, have just had their first child, Mavis takes it as a sign that she and Buddy are meant to be together. As such, she devises a false pretense to travel from her Minneapolis home back her her old hometown of Mercury, Minnesota to reclaim Buddy from Beth. As Mavis slyly or not so slyly does whatever she can to hang out with Buddy, even in Beth's company if need be, she also runs into another old high school colleague named Matt Freehauf. She barely remembers Matt until she is reminded that he was the "hate crime" kid i.e. he was beaten almost to death by the school jocks who believed he was gay (which he is not), which has left him among other things needing to walk with a brace. Matt ends up being Mavis' drinking buddy and confidante, Matt, in turn, who tries to be Mavis' voice of reason to get her out of her delusional state about Buddy and get a grip on reclaiming her life as a functioning adult.
米娅的尼古拉斯 • Young Adult里有关美国校园电影的人物隐喻
有剧透!本影评的重点在于探讨美国文化里的高中生活,建议对这方面有了解的人看,不是很了解的可能不能完全理解我的话,不过你感兴趣也可当作参考来看。 这些天看了不少美国校园片,为了一项工作,因此看完这个片....