Plot Summary:Qingqing (Athena Chu) is a getai singer, an entertainer who sings for the souls of the departed in boisterous street shows held during the Hungry Ghost Festival. She meets and falls in love with an enigmatic but oddly familiar young man (Hanwei Chen) visiting Singapore, in this simple tale of love, loss and a lifelong friendship that reaches across death.
sleepless • 我对你的关怀方式
上世纪九十年代,非常典型的纯爱类型电影,搭配上悲剧的结局,心酸又感人。 在优酷上找的版本,画质很渣,但依然挡不住朱茵的青春逼人,单纯美丽。 影片讲述一对从小到大从未见过面的笔友,男生家境富裕,人在美....