Plot Summary:The orphan Dora is a favorite with everyone in the gold mining settlement where she lives, but her special favorite is Dandy Jack. When Jack tells her that he is leaving for a location farther north, feeling that the current location is almost at the end of its profitability, she wants to go with him. But Jack insists that the tearful Dora stay behind. Later, when a new miner begins to court her, she gradually overcomes her initial reluctance, but she never forgets Jack.
YouTube在线看。The orphan Dora is a favorite with everyone in the gold mining settlement where she lives, but her special favorite is Dandy Jack. When Jack tells her that he is leaving for a location farther north, feeling that the current location is almost at the end of its pro
r&v, opening & ending(introduction of characters and punctuation of the title), lonely orphan, friends, tapping on the floor to draw attention below, portrait motif.