Plot Summary:Kaidou Eiri, the new transfer student at Seiei Academy, is actually a agent working with a secret anti-terrorist government agency known under the code name \"Sakura.\" His objective in infiltrating the school is to get closer to Shimada Fumikazu, a boy in his class whose older brother is the main suspect in a serial bombing case. He tracks down the truth behind the incidents with the help of his \"Messiah,\" or partner, Mitsumi Haku.
枫音离影 • 谁是谁的弥赛亚
弥赛亚,圣经词语,意为受膏者,上帝选中的人,又或者是拥有改变世界力量的人。 珀说:“你保护了他啊,你是他的弥赛亚。”锐利说:“不,是他保护了我,相反的,他才是我的弥赛亚。”或许解释为保护者,或是改变....