Plot Summary:JFK's campaign for president is the first to be waged on television, a distinct advantage for the telegenic candidate. Despite his lack of legislative achievements and his Catholicism -- which many Americans see as a negative -- Kennedy wins the election on the promise that he will stand up to the Soviets and protect American preeminence in the world.
CarrierSiu • 如果那些时刻不是他来做决定,核战争是不是已经发生了?
所有将军,部长都围在他身边,冲着他的耳朵,叫他按下进攻的按钮。 他说:“我们休息一下吧,先去吃个晚饭。” 如果他冲动,赫鲁晓夫只会更冲动。 一旦进攻古巴,双方弦上之箭射出,再也无法收回。当苏联核弹在美...