Plot Summary:Black Eagle, a renegade Indian, kidnaps the young daughter of a white farming family. Indian warrior Flaming Arrow sets out to rescue the young girl and punish the renegade.
尼玛伊文思13岁就拍了这部片,有故事,还会摇镜,给跪了。Easy plot, written by Joris Ivens himself, who also plays the leading role. The rest of the cast includes members of his own family.
张桃 • 少年儿童还是儿童?
1911年,13岁的伊文思在家人的协助下拍摄了一部长200米的影片《茅屋》,只是他的第一部电影习作。 伊文思13岁的习作。别吓我,但我真没吓你们,13岁到底是算少年儿童还是儿童?就能拍出这么锐气的习...