Plot Summary:Emily tells her son Paul, now six years old, the story of his life - how she sought motherhood, to be a mom without a husband, to raise a perfect, exceptional child, whom she calls Loverboy. In flashbacks told around a pretend car trip they take - so he can practice driving - we see Paul's infancy, their fun together (sometimes with a manic edge), and his growing desire to go to school and be with other kids. We also flash back to Emily's childhood, with parents so bound up with each other that she's virtually ignored. Is Emily going to be able to let Paul be with others? Or, can she, as in the David Bowie song she sings at a school talent show, construct a life on Mars?
cg • 正常与不正常
正常的生活,正常的成长过程,其实只是大众的定义,是否遵循游戏规则还是自己说了算. 孩子只接受施与他的影响,而无法辨别好坏. 正是这让爱丽斯成功,也让她失败. 如果让一个成人来选择他的童年,至少我会选择...