Plot Summary:This is the story of the lovely Kate Swallow and the loves of her life. At the start she is with Alec Bolton, a noted author, who discourages her when she wants to write a novel. Later she ...
6.0。女性主义电影,但对女性主义问题的探讨过于浮浅,假大空和简单的男女二元对立基本上是所有糟糕的女性主义电影的通病。这点扣分太多。构图、配色、摄影比较唯美。在 inside actor's studio (1996)的观众提问环节,沃肯评价说it wasn't a good movie, but he's good in it, and this is the role that he most identifies with。嗯,慢跑、跳舞、健谈、会挨揍,不杀人,也没自杀。还是部爱情片。稀有价值。