“Zoe comes and goes – she just does whatever she pleases.” Without a fixed place to stay, her sparse belongings stowed in a few plastic bags, and a record collection under her arm, 25-year-old Zoe wanders around town, deejays in small clubs, and annoys old and new friends with her need for independence. The film portrays an uncompromising young woman whose precarious existence ...$一位性格懦弱而孤僻的年轻女孩对大都市肉欲横流、纸醉金迷的腐堕生活的唾弃与不耻,明明应该去反抗与抵触,可面对金钱的诱惑仍旧迷失了自我,可怜又可悲,WEB 720p英字,曾经的绝版片子,稀有出源,4.8