1983/5min./16mm/b&w/silent The filming of the entrance to the company dormitory in which the film-maker was living. Centering the film on one pillar, he warps the spaces to the left and right and creates an unstable space similar to painting that employs anamorphosis. Made as were SPACY and BOX with a large number of photographs, the film ends with a violent movement, but is po...$真像是发黑眼晕后的状态,从摇晃、颠簸、震颤,直至最后的翻滚旋转;最后一直以为会转过这180度以后$这一套玩不腻吗?$试验的 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTkxNDY0MjM2.html$ゼミ上放完之后zoom连线伊藤高志让大家提问,导演给解释了怎么拍的:把平面的照片沿柱子折起来之后(空间感),从不同角度大量地拍照片,用定格的手法做。$房间被切割