a very AMAZING surreal short film by one of the less-known USSR filmmaker Rustam Khamdamov. based on William Saroyan's book "My Heart Is in the Highlands". Director's remarks: He studied at the VGIK in Moscow. Apart from film direction, he is a fashion designer and designer of jewels and theater costumes. Thus, his works are not only presented at film festivals but also in gall...$追逐小野鹿,跟踪不停步,我心向高地,我心在别处——罗伯特•彭斯$音乐赞,很有默片的感觉。$令人愉悦和悲伤的曲子$褚小怀大,绠短汲深。心向高处,夏虫言冰。$信手拈來的默片式浮光掠影。