Aels, a rich and tempermental woman from the North, moves to Hamburg. She lives in a mansoin besides the newly married couple, Alrecht and Octavia. The friendship between Aels and Albrecht does not disturb the harmony of this marriage. But soon, Aels has a reoccurrence of a tropical disease, and because she is confined to bed, Albrecht rides by each day on his horse to her w...$第三帝国时期的电影有很多艺术上的精品,在灯光、色彩、镜头设计上都异常卓越$技术在70年前绝对是顶尖,色彩也十分好看。不过不管是剧情还是导演手法都太老土太无聊了。$直男意淫中,那白月光与朱砂痣的和平共处的和谐世界。唯有一点可取,借用爱情讨论死亡,而死亡则该是什么。朱砂痣对死亡的看法,还是很浪漫的。$In separation we perish, like the flower without the sun.$帝国浮尸三部曲之三