Maggie Hadleigh-West walks crowded urban streets carrying a video camera and microphone, trailed by one or two women also with cameras. Whenever a man harasses her, with ogling or words, she turns the camera on him, moves in close, and questions his behavior. The questions are not for dialogue but for making him as uncomfortable as he's made her. More than 50 such encounters ar...$看了30分钟左右的版本 2017.12.4 TIFF Fernando Rossi Workshop Toronto 第二天早 补完全片 临近结尾的电话录音 把我整个人活活撕裂 然而在这样的剧烈重击之后是一段长长的空镜 压抑的快要爆发的情绪的蔓延 静默的让你沉在那一刻 神来之笔