影片是讲述一个三角关系,老师,学生和父亲。 The perfect trigonometry instructor, coach, father and designer label stubble wearing member of an Ohio high school faculty is flawed when his career obsessed ex-wife is killed in a car accident. His gorgeous 17 year old pupil, who already harbours desires for him, moves in for the kill – at first metaphorically, and when the teacher refuses her advances l...$三个字:神经病$妄想症$想利用这边可以在YOUTUBE上看电影的便利,多看些法国电影。没有字幕的情况下还是可以看懂了;这个女生的性格受家庭影响太大了,父亲的教育方法有不可推卸的责任,老师是个帅气的好老师,只是遇到这样自私的学生让人后怕;学生对老师的这种爱太过自私,只想据为己有;法国好多电影都是通过小事来反人性