a film about JOYSIDE by Kevin Fritz "Joyside are the alcoholic, poverty-stricken frontrunners in China's just-sprouting punk scene." - City Pages "Wasted Orient debunks the perception that most of the country is looking toward a hopeful and prosperous future." - The Patriot News "A hearty, greasy helping of Chinese subculture...one that is best consumed with a few beers." - Chi...$居然看见了14年前的自己哈哈哈哈$哈哈哈哈這部紀錄片的剪輯方式和製作風格和Joyside本身一樣狂躁放蕩不羈,把地下搖滾紀錄片做到地下之下三萬英尺。$落后的摇滚 ( ̄/﹏\• ̄)$阳阳好萌 另外我是一边吃饭一边看的 看到边远吐出来那一摊拉面的时候我都快石化了……$一开始嘲笑着他们,慢慢地喜欢上他们。年轻的时候就是要像他们一样啊,啥都不怕fuck the world,活在当下。