Haunted by the tragic death of his father, Juan Martín Hsu, a young Argentinian filmmaker of Taiwanese origin, returns to Taipei to film the reunion with his mother. Reality and fiction blend in a moving personal quest in which an incredible portrait of a Mother Courage stands out from the picture of a family saga marked by uprooting. #2021VdR+Mar FF$+$TIDF2022 #18 影展最後一部,其實我覺得題材特別有趣,尤其是爸爸被仇殺的部分,可是表達也好,回歸到家庭的思考也好總覺得那個題材變弱了,吵架場都很有張力,也知道你們要多點錢才能再拍片 希望努力吧