"Plastic Paradise" is an independent documentary film that chronicles Angela Sun's personal journey of discovery to one of the most remote places on Earth, Midway Atoll, to uncover the truth behind the mystery of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Along the way she encounters scientists, celebrities, legislators and activists who shed light on what our society's vast consumption ...$美国出口中国第一大贸易是塑料垃圾。除了来中国填埋焚烧,海洋是最大的填埋场,是现在连冰山一角都还没看到的污染,比大气还糟糕,要发作起来也更无可救药。$2017.01.09→2017.11.30:终于看到了提名第54届金马奖最佳纪录片、并拿下最佳剪辑奖的82分钟完整版纪录片,长片版制作上比短片更精致、更具有电影感,影像也更具有叙事性。看着他们为了生计扎在塑料垃圾堆里工作的画面,时不时联想到家乡里那些也在底层打工赚钱生活的亲戚邻居,都不容易,都要努力。$「B」害怕$真正精彩的是最后采访那一段。$能用购物袋就用购物袋吧