Considered to be the first animated Soviet film, Soviet Toys was made by the acclaimed documentary film director Dziga Vertov. It is based on political caricatures by V. Deni which appeared in the newspaper “Pravda.” Russians refer to the ornaments on their New Year’s trees as “toys.” After the Revolution and the Civil War, Russia was in financial ruin. To jumpstart the ec...$黑白,Considered to be the first animated Soviet film, Soviet Toys was made by the acclaimed documentary film director Dziga Vertov.$苏联第一部动画片,铅笔线稿黑白动画,人物近景比全景时画的细节更丰富些。阶级斗争宣传主题,意在反对新经济政策。资本家吃得脑满肥肠,酒色财气贪图享乐,无论新旧教会都是帮凶。工农阶级联合起来(直接合体),在五星红军的武力帮助下,纳税充公上缴人民银行,把资本家和教会统统吊路灯。$hao洗脑$結尾那顆長出手的聖誕樹,是準備要把資本家給吊死......?$6。富人吞食农民粮,劫富济贫建社会