The excitement of falling in love is a feeling unlike anything else but for Scabrielle and Nobody, they have to deal with more than just flowers and first date nerves. As star jammers of opposing roller derby teams who bitterly despise one another, their love parallels the very game they play as they struggle to hide their relationship and overcome obstacles including a callous...$b站看片指日可待$日常甜$比赛不是一切,生命中还有许多值得去追求的东西。虽然拍得不怎么样,但看无妨。$这么浓的妆以及随意的镜头,强烈AV感……$剧情进入很快,前面真是甜死,不知道为什么那种青春的感觉让我想到心倾何处,两女主颜都不错,一个美一个帅。