Six people, each of them is on the road to self-destruction. They wake up in cells in a surreal facility, without knowing how they got there or why. Are they in denial? Are they crazy? What happened? As they try to figure things out, a mysterious man forces the six abductees to participate in a distrubing experiment called the Trials. During the experiment, the unwilling partic...$所謂的上帝視角不過是再自私不過的個人主義 企圖用自己一廂情願的價值觀扮演無所不能的上帝 見義勇為的背後往往是拯救一個深陷陰影的自己 同樣是加拿大的密室題材電影 邏輯上比異次元殺陣嚴謹不少 @2012-01-14 17:12:32$嗯,不是太恐怖,不是太无趣,不是太有逻辑。。。它就是一个密室杀人案,撒上了宗教的调味剂。。。$每个人都在“赌”用侥幸心理应对生命的困境,扮演上帝,为“终极审判”编下故事。$剧情牵强,气氛还是渲染不够。导演太年轻了。。也太帅了。。