In the Soviet Union everyone was suppose to have equal opportuny. In “Samoyed Boy,” a Nenetz (Eskimo) boy exposes the tricks of the shaman (tribal medicine an/magician) who members of the tribe believe can cure them by putting nimal spirits into their bodies. Humiliated, the shaman drives the boy from the village. He is rescued by a Soviet ship and taken to Leningrad where h...$这个片子也是不知所云。小孩子摆脱萨满教士的愚昧,投身社会主义科学。可是读马列著作的时候居然睡着,回忆故乡的生活……这要是在文革时代可是重罪哇……$看过留脚印~$猛一看居然没看懂 结尾有意思$读马哲念家乡 (???),男孩表情过于真实。胶片的质感,摇摆的图像与光。魔性的配乐。$萨满教和共产主义争相使子民归化