The story is set in the 12th century in Arab-ruled Spanish province Andalusia, where famed philosopher Averroes is appointed grand judge by the caliph and his liberal court judgements are not liked by everyone. The caliph's political rivals, centered around the leader of a fanatical Islamic sect, force the caliph to send Averroes into exile, but his ideas keep on living thanks ...$非常有意思的题材!$阿拉伯政治历史音乐文化剧$歌舞根本就是用来阻止观众入戏的$第一次看埃及导演拍安达卢西亚,用ibn Rushd的遭遇影射世纪之交的开罗,好好看,两个王子实在是太帅了$不能忍他的歌舞