The spirit of independence that runs through Wang’s films finds its most audacious expression in this newly restored and remastered tale of an urban cowboy tasked with delivering a briefcase to a mob boss. The plot takes a back seat in this movie, shot on location in Hong Kong, as the unnamed protagonist encounters an array of characters from across the social spectrum. Structu...$也算半部香港邪典了,莫名想起渡边文树的作品,可能两者都有种挑衅感吧$少小看电影双周便知「命贱…但厕纸昂贵」,终能在大银幕观之,导演终剪版,王颖并主演兼共同编剧Spencer Nakasako都来座谈。这是一场大胆的游戏,低成本夜写日拍的即兴制作,社会新闻拉到篮中就是菜,全手提摄像,超长追逐戏从熙攘街头追进九龙城寨再倒泻面粉whiteout收场,满框鸡毛鸭血的纪录片(Jeremy Irons摄于1996)跳接缪骞人女侠般的一袭红纱,方育平客串的士佬而郑君绵原来超ca...$喜欢,港式英语听力训练,六分钟晕车脱敏训练$当影片情感非常私人化的时候 他怎么说都是对的 管你什么传统电影语言 本来就不是拍给你看的$已收