Opening at the begininng of the 1980s in former East Germany, the film centres on Paul who enters into a pact on his 16th birthday with fellow pupil Georg to take care of Georg's girlfriend Anna. The only condition is that Georg, who unexpectedly has to move away, would get her back whenever he so desires. 30 years pass and Paul and Anna are happily married with two children. T...$不错的悬疑惊悚片,表面上平静的钢琴曲和对青春的追忆,但是没有表情的每个面孔让人感觉到不可捉摸的阴森。只是时间跨度太大,这样的设定很难圆住。$时间可以让酒变成陈酿,光阴可以将欲望淤积成深潭,岁月可以让恨爬成藤曼,三十年,欲开坛,恨满墙,悔已晚,都是沧桑$惊悚片要是有太多大BUG就改行拍魔幻片吧,编剧兼导演。中年那几位演员颜值真是让人汗颜,都没看的欲望了,还是开头年轻版金发男主Felix Kruttke最好看啊。看惊悚片看多了,连翻转的套路都能摸清楚,要知道一般惊悚片里能有大量特写镜头的配角都会有“重要”作用。不过这片导演写剧本的时候脑壳被凿过$也就里面女主弹的那首钢琴曲很好听$还挺好看的,虽然各种猜中……不过成年组演员长得也太德国了……