A bold and exacting portrayal of rising xenophobia in South Africa, Omotoso casts the story of a young Nigerian man living in the African refugee tenements of Johannesburg who disappears against the background of animosity against immigrants flaring into violent rioting. In the span of a single night, his brother, on a short visit from London, tries to elucidate the mystery. DVD课/ 多好的题材就这么被浪费了!搞得跟文艺片似的!把故事说好先好吗!$不错的电影,结尾部分本来有些奇怪,不过在Q&A环节导演说结尾是后加的,因为受某件真实事件的影响,决定把结尾变成现在这个样子,借此向观众说明现在南非还有这种强烈的歧视外国人现象存在。