Xinxin and Eliz move into a new flat. Ping Pong took the chance to hint about getting married, but Xinxin is still wary of the age difference between them. One day, Ping Pong receives a letter from his grand uncle Jin Long. Philip cautions him that it could be a scam. When Ping Pong finally meets Jin Long, he was stunned that Jin Long looks exactly like his grandfather. To help...$这部电影集齐了过江新娘的哥哥妹妹和弟弟,而且暄婷在这里还是和弟弟搭CP笑死了……然后剧情,可以说是完全没有了,女主也好胖不太像女主的样子,给两星已经是看在卡司的面子上了……其实因为暄婷入坑坡剧之后一直觉得那边的剧逻辑很奇怪的,台词也是有时候显得很无脑(再配上奇怪的坡国华语更是绝杀),怪不得在油管上都没什么播放量