This film is a very short story about a former rescue worker returning from Tokyo – a man who is quite successful in his everyday life, and who, after hearing about another earthquake in Japan, dropped everything and went there to help. He is flying back home in an almost empty plane. Indeed, many regular flights have been canceled, and the ones that are still operated do not s...$这诡异的紫色啊……记忆的实体化……用的莫非是[飞向太空]的梗吗?亡妻的毛衣还蛮像的……[斯大林格勒]也借了311大地震的梗。$就讓思念隨他們而去吧;我居然把小日爾曼這麼一部以311為大背景的短片忽略掉!(芝華士贊助拍攝)