Young, handsome, dashing but cynical, Octave Mouret arrives in Paris, determined to conquer the belles of the capital. His first attempts are not too successful though as he is rebuffed by Valérie Vabre, the neurotic wife of the landlord of the block of flats he is accommodated in. As for the affair he starts with Caroline Hédouin, the married owner of "Au Bonheur des Dames", t...$cinecinema classic,$又是一个种马片。男主就是个见女人就爱兼利用玩弄调情满足虚荣心的花心布店小店员,围着转了至少4-5个女人吧,最后又回到了终于死了老公的有钱的寡妇女老板身边了(女老板的老公病死得真是时候)。$没有结局的电影,因为最后三分钟被删了…此部可谓喜剧风格的撩妹指南(不是一个风流倜傥的帅哥入住公寓,撩遍整栋楼的有夫之妇处处留情却又不愿付出真感情,处处逃避不愿承担责任里面有个角色倒也真实,她的婚姻被母亲标上价,自己被掌控一生的重压却依靠肉体来解放,她最终的命运如何很大一部分由性格决定…但愿她能遵从内心逆转长辈“安排妥当”的路$法语,无字幕,还好刚看了小说。电影改编得内容简单、通俗易懂,无论情节编排或是人物刻画都流于表面,实在算不上佳作。$已上传