Back in the Laserdisc era there were many classical videos released by RCA, Decca, DGG and others which attempted to move beyond the standard concert hall footage of the performers (and perhaps panning over some appropriate paintings or stained glass) to imaginative and unexpected images that commented on or contrasting with the music. This sort of MTV-for-classical-buffs often...$当纪录片来看的话还有些可看之处,主要是看个新鲜....不过创意还是嫌凌乱.音乐上差强人意,明老大感觉还是"过"了.Kozena根本就不适合but who may abide the day of His coming...Hellekant很不错.还有那个黑人次女高也妙.Asawa和Ainsley还有Dawson不功不过...$亨德尔当初到底是怎么流下眼泪的,他可能本来心中就有泪$0327$mmp走错片场了$感谢资源分享