This is a story of two legendary men, Karagoz and Hacivat, who lived and died by their sense of humor. Bursa, 1330. A an ancient, crowded Roman city at the border of Byzantium. Changed hands 4 years ago and the small Ottoman tribe is just being transformed as a local state, on the remains of the old Eastern Roman Empire. The story takes place in an unrecorded period time, the l...$《哈吉瓦和黑眼睛》原是一部土耳其的传统皮影戏,讲的是塞尔柱突厥民族在开创奥斯曼帝国前期的民俗故事,其中还涉及到当年蒙古民族的入侵。这部电影由皮影戏改编,听它的原声碟,大量传统喉音(加入了土耳其宫廷色彩),更能感受到已西化的土耳其人对东方游牧的想象。