A young girl falls into a river and drowns. When her body is found in a remote village along the river, her uncle arrives to claim her body, only to find that she is very much alive. But when she returns to her family, unexplainable occurrences lead them to believe she is possessed. 一个小女孩掉进河里淹死了。当她的尸体在河边的一个偏远村庄被发现时,她的叔叔来认领她的尸体,却发现她还活着。但当她回到家中时,无法解释的事情让他们相信她着魔了。$恐怖感破功就在女鬼开口说话的一瞬间$冷门归冷门。但是还不错,故事也可以$真无聊啊$越南恐怖片,东亚人真的很信因果报应这一套:父母的罪会损小孩的德 这样的