Six months after her life unraveled and dark secrets were revealed, Molly is confined to a psychiatric hospital when she learns of bizarre deaths that sound eerily similar to those she witnessed in space. When she escapes to investigate, she crosses paths with JD Richter, a determined cop who just signed on to the case. Jeffrey Dean Morgan joins the cast as JD Richter. 超好看啊!$可能还不到3星。斯皮尔伯格科幻连续剧总要竭尽全力脑残化,这不,又浪费一个绝佳题材。在6、7集,JD连半秒的转变过程都没有就开始全心帮助外星人,而且刚有个外星人说过要夺取地球、让人类要么活在外星人世界要么死。外星人不给每个人类选择权,仅仅没杀人,就自以为clean了,这价值观竟然没引发场争辩$太恶心了 女主越来越傻越来越无理了 my son my son恶不恶心 编剧脑子有洞吧 剧情一点逻辑都没有 冲着哈莉贝瑞可能会追下去 但真是一点都不喜欢!$其实探讨的问题满超前的,为什么收视率那么惨淡呢$虽说卡司又加Jeffrey又加David Morrissey又加Alexandra Breckenridge又加Hilarie Burton。。。剧情实在是看不下去了 s2e2弃