CHASING BEAUTY provides a rare glimpse into the intriguing and complex world of modeling. Behind the glossy covers of Vogue and Glamour lie the rarely talked about, uncensored stories of what models endure and sacrifice to become a top model. CHASING BEAUTY examines body image and the psychological effects of the beauty business on young women and men. The film examines what it...$是追逐众人眼里的美,社会大众的梦,还是自定义自己的人生和美丽,从标题已经可见一斑。模特众生相,是追寻美丽梦想,也是追寻自我。 挺感慨的。 想想自己完全以学业为梦想的少女时代竟然也觉得非常幸运。$IT'S A GREAT BUSINESS.$几个视角来叙事,比较全面$纪录片拍得还行 纪录片里的人 每一个都让人叹息 他们活在他们各自的小小世界里 局限于自己的大脑和视野里$内容是很丰富 但叙事线比较乱 猎奇向。