Tony Palmer tells the life story of Sergei Rachmaninoff through the use of home movies, concert footage, and interviews. John Gielgud reads from Rachmaninoff's diaries in a voiceover. “America! What madness!" // "Only art that is free has meaning. Only creativity that is free can be joyful. In Russia, there are no free artists, only victims without right." (找不到raw無奈載了個夏末秋的,那翻譯真是ap...$名字叫悲歌,里面配乐竟然没出现悲歌。。。$bless the harvest of my sorrow.$一生放逐。$1.拉赫玛尼诺夫因堂兄亚历山大·西洛蒂,始与柴可夫斯基有私交。2.《阿列科》,故事源自普希金诗作《吉卜赛人》,灵感发于吉卜赛女郎Anna Lodizhenskaya。3.《第三钢琴协奏曲》首演二场,纽爱乐团新任古斯塔夫·马勒指挥。4.《帕格尼尼主题狂想曲》,选用普列特涅夫演奏版。