年轻小说家Jane(凯伦·吉兰 Karen Gillan 饰)完成了带有自传性质的作品,被多家出版社退稿后,终于得到出版商Tom(斯坦利·韦伯 Stanley Weber 饰)的赏识。二人经过一番讨论修改后,小说出版了,然而Jane发现书名被Tom擅自改成《完美结局》。愤怒的Jane决定写完合同里签订的第二本书后,就与Tom分道扬镳。同时,《完美结局》受到读者的热烈追捧,Jane还因此获得新人奖。 Jane开始着手写第二本小说,开始时很顺利,直到最后一章,她陷入了瓶颈期。出版商Tom在后面穷追猛打,暗地里使劲办法帮她度过瓶颈期。另一方面,她还得处理与父亲、以及同居男友的关系,读者们对于她的第二部作品十分期待,Jane能不能迎来属于自己的完美结局?
Plot Summary:When a struggling publisher discovers his only successful author is blocked he knows he has to unblock her or he's finished. With her newfound success, she's become too damn happy and she can't write when she's happy.The only trouble is, the worse he makes her feel, the more he realises he's in love with her.