傻冒在国外 第二季An Idiot Abroad(2011)


主演:卡尔·皮尔金顿 瑞奇·热维斯 斯戴芬·莫昌特 

导演:Lucas Campbell / 

傻冒在国外 第二季:剧情介绍

新西兰 - 蹦极(第1集)   瓦努阿图 - 参观一个荒岛(第1集)   瓦努阿图 - 陆地上跳水(第1集)   俄罗斯 - 西伯利亚铁路(是目前世界上最长的铁路)(第2集)   外蒙古 - 蒙古摔跤(第2集)   中国 - 中国昆明的小人国(第2集)   泰国 - 泼水节(第3集)   澳大利亚 - 与鲨鱼同游(第3集)   美国 - 去看鲸鱼阿拉斯加州(第4集)   南非 - 野生动物园(第5集)   乌干达 - 布温迪森林(第5集)   美国 - 美国66号公路(第6集)   日本 - 攀登富士山(第7集)
Plot Summary:Compiled from what they consider universally standard lists, Ricky and Stephen provide Karl with a 100 item bucket list from which he can choose a handful for his next travel adventures. Karl has no desire to do anything he considers dangerous or stupid such as bungee jumping, and the list in general is comprised of things he wouldn't normally choose, but he does choose one night on a deserted island as his first bucket list travel adventure. Ricky and Stephen find a deserted island in Vanuatu in the South Pacific for him, but they figure he may as well have some adventures while he's traveling to get there. First stop: bungee jumping in New Zealand! They also send him to do such South Pacific activities as land diving and arseboarding. He also spends a night with a native tribe that worships Prince Philip. He finally makes it to a tribe that is one step away from his ultimate destination, they who provide him with his "Man Friday" who will help him with some basics before he leaves the island, as well as some typical clothing of the area. But Ricky makes sure that Karl isn't totally alone on his one night on what Karl calls his muffin island.

傻冒在国外 第二季的影评列表

大农村的Bryan • 留个第2季的地址,迅什么那个雷的种子

貌似不是很全哎 不过应该比你在国内网站搜的要全 http://kat.ph/usearch/A

john~jazz • 比第一季还要搞啊~~(看完第三集有感)

刚下完第三集,木有字母的我看起来压力山大啊!! 然后看了开头听他们说要去泰国,然后我就莫名其妙地激