

上映日期:2017-05-23(戛纳电影节) / 2017-08-18(立陶宛)片长:132分钟

主演:安杰列·查拉 曼托斯·扬古斯卡斯 莱佳·马克纳维楚特 凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝 鲍里斯·阿布拉莫夫 维罗妮卡·罗萨蒂 

导演:沙鲁纳斯·巴塔斯 / 编剧:沙鲁纳斯·巴塔斯 Sharunas Bartas/安娜·科恩-耶内 Anna Cohen-Yanay


罗卡斯勇敢地接受了运送物资的志愿服务。他与女友印加一起,前往饱受战争蹂躏的乌克兰提供人道主义援助。这段旅途漫长而动荡,随着二人不断深入战争腹地,他们的对战争的认知也在不断发生着变化。最后,当真正的战争就在眼前,他们的起初的善意将面临严峻的考验。   《冰霜》是一部独树一帜的公路电影。这部影片并非简单的反战,而是将对战争的窥探透过细腻的人物刻画,变得欲言又止。凸显了战争的复杂性,以及个体在这种复杂性面前是何等渺小。
Plot Summary:The young Lithuanian Rokas accepts the order to deliver a lot of humanitarian aid for the Ukrainian army, plunged in full separatist conflict with Russia. In the company of his girlfriend Inga, he will discover the horrors of war. After an episode involving a group of journalists living in a strange hedonistic bubble, this couple of travelers will go through a crisis that will transform their lives. With a story that navigates between disturbing silences and sharp dialogues, the director Sharunas Bartas elaborates a kind of road movie that shows the desolation and tedium of its protagonists in the face of the fears generated by the warfare in which they are immersed.


锵阿锵 • 爱情是你我之间化不掉的冰霜


Anastasia_Kwan • 不是什么正经影评就是自己观影时的碎碎念,草稿,未整理。

神tm humanitarian cargo,绝了 波兰边境不太好对付,现在有个内应 过乌克兰边境不