小薇拉Маленькая Вера(1988)

又名:小维拉 / Little Vera / Malenkaya Vera / 堕落小维拉

主演:Natalya Negoda/Andrei Sokolov/Yuri Nazarov

导演:Vasili Pichul / 编剧:Mariya Khmelik



小薇拉主演:Natalya Negoda/Andrei Sokolov/Yuri Nazarov, 出生在工人家庭的小维拉中学毕业,因为成绩不好没有考上大学。父母脾气暴躁,经常吵架,他们对整天游手好闲的小维拉十分不满,于是命令在莫斯科工作的哥哥维克多回来教育她。为了打发无聊的时光,小维拉打扮成时髦女郎,在公园的露天舞会上结识了冶金学院的大学生谢尔盖,并于当天在谢尔盖的宿舍过了夜。之后,彼此相爱的小维拉和谢尔盖准备结婚。谢尔盖搬到了小维拉家里,但他看不惯小维拉父母的生活方式。一次,在和小维拉的父亲发生口角之后,谢尔盖被醉酒的小维拉的父亲捅了一刀。在母亲再三请求并不断施加压力下,小维拉到警察局做了伪证,把行凶的责任推到了谢尔盖身上。失去爱情和希望的小维拉万念俱灰,她吞食了大量安眠药,后被哥哥发现解救。而父亲喝醉后心脏病突发倒在厨房的地上离开了人世。
A story about a young woman, Vera, who is somebody, living the life of a troubled teenager in the time right before the end of the Soviet Union. She lives in a very small Russian apartment with her mother and father, however being this close to each other makes the living get rough. Their daily life is plagued with massive amounts of alcohol (mainly vodka) and when she tries to escape her home life, she meets up with a boyfriend, Sergei who then moves into her already small apartment after sleeping with her. Every day little Vera has to go through hell just to get by, which even involves her going against her own morals after her father has done something extremely wrong.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 Malenkaya.Vera.1988.aviAVI
2019-05-10 Little.Vera.1988.DVDRip.XviD.AC3.FoNaRiK.-.BG.SUB
