水上回光Lightning Over Water(1980)


主演:Gerry Bamman/Ronee Blakley/Pierre Cottrell

导演:尼古拉斯·雷 / 维姆·文德斯 / 编剧:Nicholas Ray/Wim Wenders



水上回光主演:Gerry Bamman/Ronee Blakley/Pierre Cottrell, 本片是文德斯应尼古拉司·雷的邀请与其一同拍摄的纪录片,雷是美国著名的文艺片导演,最出名的作品包括《无因的叛逆》、《万王之王》等。本片真实地纪录了他生命最后岁月里的一些琐事,包括他本来要计划拍摄的绝唱,是关于一个画家远赴中国寻求医治良方的构思,但遗憾的是在纪录片还未发行前因癌症去世。本片忠实地描述了他对于死亡将临的感受。
Director is eager to complete a final film before his imminent death from cancer. is working on his own film (1982) in Hollywood, but flies to New York to help Ray realize his final wish. Ray's original intent is to make a fiction film about a dying painter who sails to China to find a cure for his disease. He and Wenders discuss this idea, but it is obviously unrealistic given Ray's state of health.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Nicks Film / Lightning Over Water Nordic Subs
2019-05-12 N. Ray & W. Wenders - Lightning Over Water (1980)
